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  • EXE

    EXE - Layers Yumeno Aika Onahole(米色)

    外层具有人体皮肤纹理,内层具有弹性,握持力更好。高品质材料无异味且不粘腻,而内部通道的独特设计可提供多样而强烈的刺激。柔和的粉红色和逼真的形状 - 无论何时您需要她,这款产品都已为您准备就绪!

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Wonderful Feeling with Yumeno Aika!

    Usage: Lubrication on your ***** and on the onahole must be well applied. The Onahole is in a doggy-style architecture, so be aware which side it is. be aware not to point it much upward to make the lubricant come out. The texture inside is excellent. it automatically pushed itself out due to air pressure once you insert it in. Be careful not to tear the layers since the inside is not well sticked with the outer layer. Cleaning: VERY TRICKY. DO NOT PLACE IT INSIDE OUT. there are some remnants on the lips. check on that to properly clean it. a long cotton swab is advised not to widen the inside layer. or a towel enough to dry the inside. works well with baby powder to extend material life. Over-All: Just thinking about the cover and the design of the interior makes you wanna do it again. a wonderful 4 stars for the experience... 1 star down due to the easy layer breaking, the lubricant is average.. you need a lot more lubricant for this., exhausting cleaning compared to my Aoi Aoyama D-Hole by Dogma. Lastly, it also depends on how hard you ram the Onahole.